Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ch. 5

She bathed in the small creek she found. She is willing to stay there forever due to the fact that she had lost her clothes. She also knew that there are poachers nearby who'll be more likely to capture beings like her.
She stepped out of the water and wrapped a large leaf around her body. She walked barefoot when she spotted a van. She closed in when she reached the vehicle. The little girl seized this chance to sneak inside and find hope to escape from her pursuers.
She hid in the back compartment where it is stacked with boxes. She then heard loud footsteps as the passengers as they hopped inside. The driver started the engine as the van sped off. The little girl hugged her knees. The leaf around her body is loosening from her every movement. Soon, she fell asleep during the trip...


"Oi, come inside. I've prepared dinner for you!"
She awoke from her slumber. She rose and saw the seats emptied from their passengers. Knowing that the back compartment is locked, she climbed up over the back rests and escaped. She gently slid the door open, hopping out and sliding it back shut. She made light steps to proceed when she stood over a large chunk of wood and peeked through a window.
She sees a small group of teenagers gathered and seated around a table where they are eating together. She spots a girl with long purple hair pulled back into a ponytail matching the color of her eyes. She wore a pair of glasses and an ushanka on top of her head. 
The little girl heard her stomach rumbling as she grew alarmed when the purple-haired girl glanced towards her.
Before the child could make a step, the lilac-haired female came approaching her.
"Hey there. What are you doing here?"
The child staggered backwards.
"Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you." the girl says. "What's your name?"
The child seemed to gain her trust.
". . . .M, Musume..."
The girl beamed. "Ahh, Musume-chan. What a cute name. I'm Galil. Why are you staying out here at this time?"
Musume lowered her head. "I'm lost..."
Galil suddenly stepped out of the house and approached her. "How about you have dinner with us? I thought you might be hungry." She observed her from head to toe as she sees the leaf wrapped around her naked body. "Oh my goodness. You were walking around like that? Come inside. I'll give you some clothes."
She took her arm gently. "I can't leave you out here."
Musume accepted her offer. She was led inside the house when she happened to see a small sign entitled: SHADOWRUNNER.
Galil dragged her along with her. They reached their destination as two wardrobes stood and leaned on the walls. She opened the first where browsed on their clothes inside that will fit Musume. 
"Here you go. I've found one!" she pulled out a small sun dress embroidered with few circular outlines. A green ribbon at the center of its waist gave it an astounding look.
"Oh, I have Mika-chan to lend you some of her underwear and shoes. And... you should take a shower first."
Musume didn't say anything. Galil pulled the leaf off her that served as her only protection. She is then led inside the bathroom as Galil set the shower's temperature to mildly hot.

She sulked inside the shower.
She couldn't believe it. Lex actually lived in this place. She was almost driven to tears.
She found herself sobbing silently. She wanted to escape her past... and then suddenly, she is taken care of by a family whom she never knew.
"Musume-chan, are you done yet?"
Galil's voice echoed as the girl is snapped out of her thoughts. She turned off the shower and dried herself with a towel. Galil came in eventually.
"You sure enjoyed bathing in hot water, ne?"
Musume's face flushed as her gaze averted.
"Uu... yeah.."
"C'mon, it's dress-up time. You'll be our living doll~ ei, Mika-chan, time for our dress-up party!"
"Yay!!" A little girl whose height is somewhat similar to Musume's appeared dashing inside the room. Her red hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she had a pair of orange eyes.
"Who's that~?"
"She'll be your new playmate, Mika-chan. Meet Musume-chan~" Galil says.
Mika fixed her glance on Musume as she grinned. When she pounced on her, she gave her a tight squeeze.
"Wafu~! Musume-chi is so cute!!~"
Musume squirmed from the tight hug. Her cheeks turned deep red as her green fox ears twitched and her tail moved wildly.
Galil's eyes widened. "Musume-chan.. are those ears and tail.. real?"
The fox girl lowered her head without uttering a word. 
"Mika-chan, don't just pounce on her like that!" Galil scolded.
"Mouu, I like her!" Mika pouted with her arms folded on her chest.
They started dressing Musume up. They styled her hair into a pair of buns, pinning them with tiny blue bows on each side.
"You look perfect!" Galil shouted in delight.
Musume timidly walked outside to see the others. She saw the rest of them who have finished eating their dinner. It seemed that they did not notice her.
She decided to look around. She saw picture frames nailed on the walls & sitting on the small tables. There were images of Galil, Mika and other members posted as they all enjoyed each other's company. There was one picture of Mika hugging a teddy bear. Next to her was a person with obsidian hair and a pair of cyan eyes.
She staggered backwards when her back bumped against the wall.
"It can't be.." she whimpered when she suddenly locked herself inside the dressing room where she fell on her knees and cried.
"Musume-chan, what's wrong?" Galil knocked on the door.
Musume cried, making Galil grow worried. She was in all fours as tears fell to the floor.
"This is where he lives... I should have known..." she pulled herself together slightly and stood up.
"Musume-chan!" Galil used a key to unlock the door. "What happened?"
"Lex is a member here, right..?" Musume asked with her eyes nearly lifeless.
Galil gasped in shock from what she just said.
"You... you know Lex..?"
The fox girl nodded slowly. "I should have known that I'm right here... where he lives. He surely doesn't like nuisances within his sight."
"T-That's not true. Lex-kun doesn't hate you." Galil's mouth quivered. "Why? Did...did something happen? What are you telling us..?"
Musume remained silent as she just averted her glance.
I should have known...


"So when will out training start?" Ruko soon asked as he, Len, and Kaito are the only ones left in the headquarters. 
"We still haven't organized the training sessions just yet," Mizu said. "We'll contact you for updates. In the meantime, you deserve a break."
"That's a bummer. I wanted to improve my fighting skills. It's like judo, karate, taekwondo and kung-fu fused together!"
"And you'll be the master of amateurism, that is.." Koide added in a deadpan manner. "Say, where did your other 'half' go?"
"Shopping with Mi-chan as always," Ruko said while crossing his arms behind his head. 
"Aren't you planning to take her out?"
"What? No! Amy's picky towards everything! And she doesn't want me to do the stuff I wanna do."
Koide folded her arms on her chest. "My opinions toward you have improved slightly. I'm impressed."
Ruko narrowed his eyebrows. "Ohh, look who's doing the real talk here."
The female redhead sighed. "She's your girlfriend now. Give her what she wants and give it your best shot. Girls tend to be temperamental so you better watch out."
"Eh?! I'm not gonna spend all my money on her! I deserve a little for myself."
"Exactly. Don't let her ruin your fun and when a girl flips out on you, it does not mean you should not calm her down."
Ruko leaned against the wall and stared at the sky.
"Yeah... I guess you're right. We'll never understand women..."
" the same way, we'll never understand men..." 
Meanwhile, Namato observed them from afar as he happened to eavesdrop into their conversation. 
"Tch... humans..."


A shudder.
This ritual requires pinches of blood as sacrifice. Its scent will provide aroma for the ancient demonic spirits who have nurtured the Underworld.
The sight of blood made Miyako shudder before she realize that she'll do the same thing. She brushed the blade against the skin of her palm, cutting a few on her epidermis. She weakened slightly when her own blood cascaded down her hand and splattered its droplets on a tiny ceramic.
The next phase came.
Ryuu paced around the circle with his hand surreptitiously holding a black celestial blade. Miyako remained kneeling on her place when the pacing was done successfully.
Just then, the circle glowed in a hue of crimson and violet. Ryuu chanted words in the Underworld language as symbols appeared swirling around the casting arena.
Miyako suddenly remembered that she also has to chant her incantations. She quickly stood up and channeled on Nyx's power. More glowing symbols appeared swirling around them. The powers of the two Deities were manifested as their cores emanated their life forces.
Nyx's core released a black and a white fog as they fused together to form a yin-yang symbol. The girl stared wide-eyed. Kuro has been right all along.
Nyx wasn't just a night goddess and a moon patron but.. a divinity of both Darkness and Light. She has divided powers -- facing evil and in the same way, following the moral teachings.
"I'm right here."
Miyako felt tension rising all over her. "N...Nyx-sama..?"
"I'm right here."
"She's here. Prepare yourself."
Kuro's voice echoed as the Dark Deity manifested himself behind Ryuu. 
"Kujyou-kun, please do the honors."
Ryuu then tossed the blade on Miyako's hands.
"W...What's this..?" she asked.
"When I give you the signal, you will stab me."
"Just do what I say."
The fusion phase came next. The incantations were chanted, commanding the cores to fuse with the mortal bodies permanently. The blood they've sacrificed were absorbed by the circle until they were gone.
The ritual is about to face its end when the demonic spirits along with their diabolic forces gathered around Ryuu. He engaged in a conversation with them... but his mouth wasn't moving.
"Miyako-chan, repeat after me. Azlo moraizo..."
"Azlo moraizo..."
"Mokuruzo iyomu...:
"Mokuruzo iyomu.."
"Akum nitani... cerebrasu.. zubin.."
"Akum nitani... cerebrasu.. zubin.."
The spell was activated. The yin-yang symbol appeared in front of her again as it separated into a black feather and white feather. They were fused together as one. It landed on her palms before shoving it into her chest.
She felt a burning sensation in her chest as the feather dissolved inside her. She is encased in a mixture of Dark and Light mystical aura, finishing the fusion phase until Ryuu is the only one left.
"Kujyou-kun's confirming his responsibilities to live by," Kuro said. "Prepare yourself. He'll be done shortly."
Miyako watched until she can see the diabolic spirits huddled around Ryuu. The Dark core was already fused inside him. Yet he's doing another ritual on his own. It was then the spirits swirled around him, bombarding him with violent swears as their voices became too unnerving and disturbing to the ears.
"Yamero." Ryuu stated one word, an imperative sentence with his expression unchanging. The spirits paused as he fished out another black celestial blade to scamper them away. Sighing abruptly, he stabbed the floor with it. 
"Get out at once."
He urged as Miyako stepped out. His conversion ritual began as he sacrificed more of his blood.. the black celestial blade remained stuck on the floor.
"It will take a while before he performs the finale." Kuro told as he watched his heir get the ritual in its proper phasing.
"What does it require?" Miyako asked.
"Blood, presence and humanity to begin with. When you hereby accept the conversion contract, there is no turning back."
"Y-You mean... the stabbing?!"
"Yes.. yet it seemed that he has changed his mind about giving the position to you."
After several incantations, Ryuu pulled the blade out as a silhouette of him is shown holding the blade pointing towards his chest. He then pierced it whereas suppressing the very concept of pain. 
Blood came spurting out of his chest. He felt his body weakening as he destroyed his circulatory organ -- the only source for the supply of blood in his body. His pants were heard... his loud heartbeat and his pulse beating. Miyako shuddered upon hearing them going louder.
The Dark casting circle faded slowly as the blade fell to the floor with a loud clank. Ryuu went all fours panting with his hand clutching the deep stab wound. The conversion ritual has been finished.
He managed to get up and give himself some comfort. He panted faintly as his heartbeat was heard again.
Miyako approached. "Ryuu-kun... are you all right?"
"Not enough.."
"Uh... what is it?"
The heir's pants became heavy when he drew closer, grabbing her by the shoulders and biting the same spot where he bit her. Miyako yelped.
"W-What are you doing?!"
"The progress earned him some blood lust.. " Kuro advised. "Blood feasting would result to imprinting. When a couple is imprinted, it signifies their bond as one."
Miyako fell into a daze as her cheeks turned beet-red.
The more he drinks, the more she feels every pleasure. She slightly moved her legs when she raised her knee to make herself comfortable...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ch. 4

"Len, how many times do I have to tell you to keep Neku-chan out of my room?"
Kiran approached holding a feline robot in her arms. The cat robot struggled while meowing loudly.
"Yeah, yeah, I know...." Len says with his eyes glued on his hammer. He pounded it with a steel mallet to improve its shape.
"You can work on that for some other time!" Kiran hollered as she put Neku down on the floor. Len grimaced.
"I can't go with a hammer in a pretty bad shape!"
Growing impatient, Kiran pulled his bicep and dragged him along with her.
"You're the only one missing!"
Len wanted to protest... but then he knew what she meant.
"I guess my cover's been blown after all..."
"Well, chyea~ you're a Deity-owned mortal, doofus. You have to show up!"
Len sighed as he switched off Neku with his remote control.
The ritual's venue is now prepared for the chosen vessels. Ruko, Amy, Mirouni, Koide and Aika arrived later on with Ash taking the lead. Len and Kiran soon caught up with them.
"Well... I see that the long-term absence of our ally has been put to an end~" Mirouni folded her arms as she flashed a smug.
Len toyed with his fingers and averted his glance sheepishly.
"Err... yeah... about that---Ow!!" He winced when Kiran elbowed him.
"Ash, have them stand on their places." Mizu commanded. "You must start at once."
Ash nodded as he stood on the center of the casting circle. He channeled on Travix's power with his eyes closed in concentration. He slowly chanted the incantations when the floor soon emanated fog along with white glowing lines traced shapes and patterns, forming the elemental emblems. They glowed in their corresponding colors while Travix's glowed on where Ash is standing.
"Please chant the incantations correctly and punctually." Mizu instructed as the other six vessels stood over their respective emblems. "The various languages which you have deciphered from your scrolls are your individual incantations."
Aika's water gem appeared gleaming on her forehead, signifying her bond with Saku along with the two other Deities -- Ness and Khione, the Guardian's parents.
The cores have been presented. They hovered above their owners as Ash chanted subsequently. While he's at it, the cores glowed, gathering their essences altogether until they formed into a globule. The globule soon took form when it materialized into an orb.
It's Travix's second core! Ash thought as he gasped in shock. Optimism took over him as he continued his part.
"Travix-sama... please lend me your power."
As the individual casting began, each vessel recited his pledge to accept the Deity's essence and to allow it to stay in his body for the rest of his life equivalent to serving to protect the universe. Ash then recited his and declared the embodiment to take effect. Then the group chanting came next.
The final incantation was chanted carefully and punctually as instructed by Mizu. As the spell progresses, the corresponding cores glowed extremely bright, transforming into celestial beams that slithered all over the entire casting arena. The essences swirled around their bodies.
Ash chanted the final words. He raised his war staff to signify his authority. He yelled the last words before the casting circle gave out kaleidoscopic colors.
"Heeyaha!" Kiran shouted in delight. Her lemon eyes glistened in joy as she clasped her hands together while watching the incredible beauty of the scenario. As she gaped, her glance was averted by the seven glowing figures in front of the vessels. The glowing figures looked exactly like them... only if you look very closely, they were wearing different clothes.
"What are they?" she asked.
"They are the manifestations of their Guardian images," Mizu stated. "They have been summoned at last."
Kiran stared wide-eyed. "Wow... that's.. that's tremendous! I can't believe it!"
Mizu nods. "Yes. Meanwhile, our other pair has its own casting ritual. It will consist of Ryuu's humanity sacrificed to turn himself into a pure demon."
Tyson gasped upon hearing this.
"But... he hasn't reached the required age!"
"Apparently, yes. Yet according to Ryuu's response, it won't be long until the ritual starts in spite of his young age. His decision must be respected."
The demon fell silent upon Mizu's reply. Sora then went to him and spoke.
"Stick to the bright side. Aika-sama will be your waifu~!"
The three stared at her in shock. Tyson's face turned beet-red when he pinched her cheek and pulled it. Sora wailed in response.
After quite sometime, the casting ritual ended with Ash's message of gratitude to the Deities and to the only Creator Himself. Their Otherworldly forms made contact with the earthly bodies to complete the process. They celebrated their success with delicious snacks and imported tea.
"We should also rejoice for Aika-chan's revival!" Amy announced while raising her cookie. Aika didn't say anything as she drank her tea. Tyson sat next to her.
"Hmm.. by the way, what was that gem thingy on your forehead, Aika-chan?" Mirouni asked while pointing at the megane's forehead.
"Something that signified my bond with Saku.." Aika replied in a monotonous tone.
"Hoohh~ looks like our precious Aika-chan has changed! What happened to the cute and innocent and bubbly Aika-chan we used to know??"
"Shut up.." Aika said with her cheeks flaming. Tyson suppressed a laugh.
"Hiyahaa~!!" Mirouni shouted in delight when she flashed a kitty face. "Aika-chan is now a dere-dere---wait, no, a tsundere!! That's it! TSUNDERE-CHAN!"
Aika is starting to lose her temper when Tyson's warmth hindered her from doing so.
"Calm down, milady. I'll take you out later. Just the two of us."
Her face turned red when she averted her glance from him.
Ash went back to his initial dilemma. While eating, he decided to look further.
Black arts. Forbidden Dark magic. The story behind the illegal use.
Part of him couldn't help but to think that they've been performed before.
Ash tried contacting Travix yet he's among the unfortunate. The Deities are seemingly resting and keeping themselves busy with other things. He sighed. Then he remembered what his patron had told him before.
"Guys, do you remember our main task, right?" he asked the group.
"Yep~" Mirouni replied. "Learning the path of the Guardian. We understand now."
"We're giving up our humanities... for real?" Koide has spoken at last. She soon found out the truth behind everything.
"We aren't forced to do so. Besides, we can still live normally and pursue our aspirations in life. The Deities respect the decisions of their vessels." Amy explained.
Ruko stood up and grinned. "Yosh! So this path involves real training, sweet! Body building lessons, here I come!"


Inside the Nyx domain, Miyako sat on her small bench with a table alone. The demon butlers served her a saucer of cookies and a tall glass of iced tea with lemon slice as her treat. She eyed the chair opposite to hers. She suddenly imagined the heir eating snacks with her... but she shook that fantasy off.
"Ne, having a relaxation there, Miyako-chan?"
She yelped upon hearing that voice.
She jerked behind her and saw Asmodeus sitting on her bed. The girl's spine earned the shivers... this Demon of Lust is whom she is facing..
"W-Why are you here...?!"
The Demon chuckled. "Why... I'm here to see how you're doing. Ryuu-sama's occupied with a lot of things.." He smirked. "Ara... he has other priorities. He hasn't spent long hours with you... never did he! Never had he invited you for romantic privacy, not even anything to win your heart."
Miyako felt tension rising all over her. She gained a little composure.
"I'm afraid I'll be asking you to leave. You shouldn't be here."
"God gave me you~" he closed in with a lustful gaze. "He made you for me. Now that I am here, let me feel your warmth... let me touch your soft and tiny lips, your pale skin... everything."
Miyako acted fast as she fished out her fan and pointed it towards him as to keep him at bay.
"Don't come any closer! Please leave at once!"
Asmodeus grinned unnaturally. "Not without tasting you, Miyako-chan~"
"STOP!" she cried, stood up and prepared to escape. Unfortunately, Asmodeus teleported and appeared in front of her out of dark particles. Miyako staggered backwards and slapped him across the face. But this only led the Demon to continue his ministrations.
"I do hope that Ryuu-sama understands your misery. Look at you. A lone wolf crying in despair... desiring for a companion. Why do that when you have me? Why do you choose that indifferent heir over this caring beau? Do you not like me?"
Miyako winced in reply. "Leave me alone! Stay away from me!" she prepared her fan for any action but Asmodeus swatted it abruptly out of her hand, sending it tumbling across the floor. 
Nataliya had warned her about him... using his fluid ministrations and charms to lure women to him. Miyako isn't going to fall for those.
"Love me, Miyako-chan! I'll give you thousands of gifts! Everything that will make you drop to your knees!" Asmodeus hollered.
"Nonononono!" she shook her head rapidly. "I...I love someone else.. I don't need those goodies.. please get out!"
"Ohh... persistent, eh? How cute..."
"No, please!! Leave me alone!"
"Dump those feelings for Ryuu..." Asmodeus's voice grew grim as his gaze darkened. "He doesn't deserve you... and in the same way, you don't deserve him. He isn't really interested in you... naive, vulnerable... inane.."
"That's not true! You're lying--"
"It's true! You're making a fool out of yourself, Miyako-chan. I'll treat like how a woman should be treated. I'm being honest with you, kiddo. You'll do better when you're with me... better than that Kujyou rascal. I've flirted with the consorts and wives of the heirs and rulers countless of times. They did not forget about me. I even married them although they already are! I've broken their imprints to their consorts! Miyako-chan, you'll be imprinted to me... and become one with me..."
"I-Iyaaa! Stop!" The poor girl screamed. Asmodeus's ministrations went further as he pinned her against the wall. Miyako couldn't do anything to escape. 
She understood the heir's work. Asmodeus just wanted her to leave Ryuu for him. This Demon is known as a molester. From the look in his eyes it's already implied. Deep inside her heart, she wanted only the heir... who had saved her from death... from the likes of the enemies.. from the clutches of malice..
"I feel bad for them, though."
Miyako's tension eased. Right before her eyes, a familiar figure stood a few meters behind the Demon. Her heart stopped when she met those forest eyes.
Asmodeus paused and turned around.
"You've played with them so well. Toying them with your virtually effective ministrations." Ryuu blurted out in his casually calm manner. "...well played. But unfortunately, that girl is an inappropriate victim; not right for you."
Asmodeus was about to respond when he winced. A stake stabbed his left shoulder. He grimaced and abruptly pulled it off. The stake reverted to its Demon form.
"Oi, I thought you've said you don't like her anymore!" Leviathan growled in anger.
The Demon of Lust smiled, amused from his brother's sentence.
"Ohh~ I guess I've said that."
"You... you stupid liar..."
"It seems that the lady didn't make herself clear." Ryuu said grimly. "Get. Out."
"Hai-hai~" Asmodeus chuckled as he and his furious brother vanished, leaving behind dark particles until they faded.
Miyako fell on her legs and trembled. Tears leaked her eyes as they streamed down her cheeks, dripping to the floor. 
"R-Ryuu....kun..." she sniffled when she heard his footsteps approaching. 
To her surprise, Ryuu was in front of her. He pulled her close to him as her sniffles turned into hiccuping sobs.
"What did he do?" he asked.
The girl spoke betweeb hiccups. "...a lot of things."
Ryuu wasn't surprised. "Now you know him. You do remember what I told you."
Miyako nodded, leaning and resting her head on his chest. She then felt him push her, pinning her back against the wall. Her legs relaxed on the floor. She swallowed.
"He charmed women into falling for him..." the heir stated. "He lied. He'll molest and dump you like garbage... and I don't want that." 
The girl's heart skipped a beat. She lowered her head to hide her red face.
She wanted to confess. Ryuu soon noticed her condition when he drew closer. 
"Forgive me..." he muttered.
Miyako blinked her swollen eyes. "...e-eh? A-Ah!"
She yelped faintly when he attacked her neck. Her eyes suddenly squeezed shut and her mouth couldn't breathe a word. But... she wasn't struggling. 
She almost jumped when his teeth dug themselves right through her skin.
Blood trickled down her shoulder blade then down her collarbone... then down her chest.
Suddenly, it hit her. She remembered this kind of act -- feeding on the blood of the chosen consort of the demon's choice. It would signify as a proposal.
She uttered his name faintly with her cheeks beet-red. She shuddered when Ryuu's tongue brushed against her throat and then her chest, closing the cut with it.
"Did it hurt..?"
Miyako touched the bitten spot and shook her head.
"...thanks for saving me.."
Ryuu kept his gaze on her when he spoke.
"I won't leave you again.... and I won't let anyone, even that stupid ass, touch you before I do."
The girl gasped in shock. What could he possibly mean? 
He understood her... and knew what she felt. It took less than a minute for Miyako to interpret that sign.
"We'll do the ritual here." Ryuu said as his glance looked over his shoulder. "Nobody will be involved but us. The ritual will be just for you and me."
"But... what about the door?" Miyako asked.
"I've sealed it shut with a spell that only I can lift." 
With a fluid flick of his arm, Ryuu instantly created the casting circle. The two cores -- Dark core and Nyx core -- were presented to start the ceremony proper. 
"Make it happen, Kujyou-kun... please protect her.. for me."

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ch. 3

Miyako pedaled across the streets. Before doing so, she pried into her pockets and fished out her phone. She did a soft gasp upon seeing the text message she just received. So she hopped on her bike.
She made her way past the blocks when she arrived in her destination.
"This is..."
She stood in front of the Kujyou residence. Seeing the surname etched beside the gates, she suppressed the tension rising up. Miyako entered past the gates and stood on the doorstep.
"...umm, excuse me."
The door opened and Sora appeared behind. Miyako stared in shock.
"A visitor!!" the aquadite cried as Himeka approached with her arms folded on her chest.
"Go to our room, Sora."
Sora frowned in a childish manner and sighed in defeat. Himeka shook her head and turned to Miyako.
"Ah, Miyako-chan, come inside."
The girl nodded timidly. "...ah.. thank you." She stepped inside and sat on the living room couch.
"Ne, Ryuu-kun, she's here."
The girl twitched and flinched as she kept her composure steady. She heard footsteps, knowing that Ryuu is coming.
"You must be prepared."
Kuro's voice echoed as he made his corporeal appearance seated a few meters away from Miyako. The girl lowered her head.
"I hope I am..."
Kuro's glance went towards Ryuu who arrived eventually. "You know what to do now, Kujyou-kun." The heir nodded in reply as he approached.
"How are those Stakes taking care of her?" Ryuu asked.
"Asmodeus is in charge of her imprisonment."
"I've just received tidings from the ruler about Yagumi's vessels at loose. This will be another game of zombie tag."
"I'll talk to Saku about that matter." Kuro replied when he glanced at Miyako. "While Nyx is making her preparations, this young lady deserves guidance in order for her to take the path."
"Fine with me."
"Ryuu, shall we initiate this?" Tyson suddenly came as Ryuu nods.
"Let's proceed."

The entire family and Tyson prepared themselves before the ritual proper. Ichirou signaled the initiation. Aika's corpse is encased by a white gleaming aura with light particles dancing around her body uncontrollably.
They contributed one fourth of their life spans whereas Tyson gave almost half of his. Saku watched the spell progressing as she glanced at Aika's afterimage. The girl's soul started to fade as it is absorbed by the corporeal body. The body glowed and shimmered until the bright light burst into light particles.
They stood there... waiting for the result.
A few minutes later, the girl's fingers began to twitch. A groan was heard. Her cyan eyes have opened miraculously when she sat upright on the bed.
"Where am I..?" she blinked her eyes as she looked at each one of them. "Dad, Mom, onii..." she turned her glance on Tyson. "...Tyson?"
The saffron-eyed demon couldn't believe it. Aika has been successfully revived. He fought the urge to cry as he smiled.
Himeka placed her hand on her chest and wiped off her tears with the other. "Thank the gods.."
Saku, who teleported herself outside, looked up on the sky as she smiled... with her eyes closed.
"Thank you very much, our beloved Creator."
Aika blinked twice. Her vision is blurry. She groped around searching for her glasses. Tyson suddenly remembered as he fished them out from his pocket before handing it to her eventually. Aika shoved them on her face as her vision became clear.
"Oh... this is a surprise.." she said in a deadpan manner.


She exited the campus and brought her stuff with her. Koide walked on the streets. It can be presumed that this girl spends most of her time alone especially during non-school days.
She happened to see Kaito's ice cream shop after a few walks. She remembered receiving a text from Mirouni saying that she and others are dying to try Kaito's ice cream treats. 
Koide proceeded and entered inside the shop. The small silver chime rang when the door opened to get the attention of the customers and the shop owner.
"Ah, Koide-chan, you made it~!"
Mirouni cried in delight. Koide soon joined them as she sat on a stool. 
"Did I miss...anything?"
"Like tons of crap...yeah." Ruko replied while eating the cherry of his sundae. "My duel with Ryuu was delayed."
"After this, we're off to see Mizu-sama. It's been a long time since we've last seen her." Amy says. "I'm also worried about Kiran-chan and Len-kun lately. I'd never thought that Len-kun would be a lightning elementalist."
"Yeah, yeah... responsible for the out-of-this-world technology..."
Meanwhile, Ash sank deep into his thoughts regarding the casting ritual... and obtaining the other fragment of Travix's core subsequently. But there are other things that have crossed his mind. 
Warlocks and practitioners of magic and of all elements have forbidden the next generation in making their attempts to practice the Dark Arts, especially the ones under Kuro's power. That thought suddenly popped into his head. Travix has been telling him repeatedly about the forbidden use of Dark magic and such.
But why are the warlocks included?
Ash has to know more...
"Oi," Mirouni nudged her brother. "You're spacing out again. Is there something wrong?"
Kaito glanced at them. "It seems that your warlock siblings has his own incentives."
"Says the lost son of God..." Ruko added as if mocking him. "Ash has been like that ever since that genius Deity made him his vessel."
The demigod put his finger on his chin. "Hmm... to focus on other matters, it seems that Father had sensed a small group using necromancy yet he considered it... how unlikely."
"Necromancy?" Ash stood from his stool. "Isn't that illegal?"
"Yeah, it really is. However, this one is the light kind compared to those about the Dark Arts. I'm sent here down to Earth to send the goats to hell and the sheep to heaven."
"Necromancy!" Amy exclaimed. "That is... raising the dead back to life! That couldn't possibly mean..."
Mirouni gaped when she placed her hands on her lips/ 
"Let's check it out." Amy ordered.
They finished their sundaes right away. Kaito joined them as he closed his shop. The group ran when they made it back to the Kujyou residence. 
"Ryuu!" Ash called for his friend's attention. Ryuu looked over his shoulder as he sees them.
"I see you've returned."
"Is Aika still lying on her bed??"
"Not anymore."
Amy gasped when she ran ahead of her companions and knocked on the door. Meanwhile, Kaito took this opportunity to approach Ryuu.
"Kujyou Ryuu," he said as he lowered his voice. "Was it necromancy that you've applied?"
"Yes." the demon heir admitted.
"I.. I need to know the procedure."
"Dad and Mom borrowed the forces of Light. Basically, necromancy is a matter of Dark Arts yet this one is a harmless and rare type and surprisingly, God had given us the chance."
"I see..." Kaito nodded slowly. "Please tell me the incantations. I need to know them very well."
Ryuu then whispers the words. While listening,Kaito's grey eyes widened and his mouth gaped. He sighed.
"Thank you. I'll take that into consideration.."
"Necromancy is indeed forbidden.. as it was said from the Otherworld laws. As for you, Amadari, the saod second son of God, you absolutely forbid those who practice an those who attempt to... and everything that pertains playing God."
"That's right," the demigod replied. "I balance Heaven and Hell; thus, gaining my authority to send the sheep to paradise and the goats to hell's furnace."
"Perhaps we should talk about that in the Altar, shouldn't we?"
The voice of Travix echoed in the air as the Deity of elements appeared to them, startling Kaito as well.
"Kaito Amadari-kun, if you won't mind."
Kaito needed not to think twice as he nodded. Then he was enveloped by faint aura, encasing him completely. Right in front of Ryuu, the demigod faded. Travix turned to him and bowed.
"My apologies if I have caused some disturbances."
"Not at all." Ryuu replied in his usual casual tone as the Deity faded. 

Aika came out of her room after she'd dressed. Tyson waited for her while seated on the couch with Miyako. She averted her glance as her cheeks turned beet red.
"I'm glad you're back, milady." Tyson says, making her flinch upon his addressing.
Suddenly, the door opened as Ash, Ruko, Mirouni, Koide and Amy barged inside. The five of them stood frozen upon seeing Aika.
"Aika...chan?" Amy's voice quivered. Her eyes suddenly leaked tears when she lunged at her, pulling her into a tight hug. She leaned her chin on Aika's shoulder and cried. Mirouni soon joined in as she also hugged Aika. Koide stood there, feeling out of place.
"What's going on?" she asked.
Ash replied. "It's a very long story."
Nevertheless, he told Koide everything. Yagumi's existence, her battle with Aika before poisoning her to death and Ryuu's confrontation. Koide's expression changed while listening. 
"Aika's mirror image.." she muttered.
Ash nodded. "Indeed. You can tell by the way she acts.."
Amy and Mirouni let go. Aika then sat on the couch when Taisuke came. He shouted in delight as he pounced on Aika.
"Ah...Taisuke." the girl smiled as she slid her arm around the little boy's back while her other hand stroking his hair.
Saku and her fellow Deity Guardians watched the heart-warming scenario as she closed her eyes and smiled.
"We can now begin."

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ch. 2

"That would be seventy-seven yen."
Miyako searched into her purse and fished out her crisp bills. The cashier received the value before handing the change. Miyako bowed gratefully and took her goodies. She hopped on her bike and pedaled to the town where she could hardly cross the streets.
She isn't used to peddling on the streets to begin with.
Miyako made it back home several minutes later. Her parents were out of the country for a vacation for three months now; technically, she lives alone. She unloaded her grocery bags and neatly placed them on the counter.
After doing her chores, she heard a knock on the door.
"Oh, coming!" she hurriedly ran towards the door and opened it. An old woman wearing royal blue kimono and grey ankle-length skirt came on her doorstep. Her long silver hair glided down her back \.
"Mizu-sama..." Miyako muttered when she smiled in complete shock. "H-How did you know where I live?"
"I know everything about the newly appointed Guardians especially their estates." Mizu replied as the girl welcomed her in. She served saucers of cookies and tall glasses of iced tea.
"What makes you here?" Miyako asked.
"Nyx is concerned about you so she'd sent me to check on you." Mizu stated. "So far, Ryuu-kun cannot deal with you momentarily."
The blonde-haired girl frowned as her lime eyes averted. "Um... yeah. I hope Aika-chan will be all right.."
"But that is not important, Miyako. Nyx has great concerns about you and your... dividing powers."
The girl stared at the guardian incredulously. "What do you mean..?"
"There are things that only you and Ryuu should know and you're the only one who can control it. He'll be the only aide who can help you cope with your other entity."
Miyako's eyes widened upon hearing this.
Other entity... my other side?
"I... I don't understand."
"Let me explain to you the full details."
A voice echoed as it blasted the entire living room. Miyako remembered that voice. It was then an invisible dark aura emanated from space when it slowly grew visible, taking form into black snake-like beams entangling themselves next to Mizu. The beams shattered as it is replaced by a dark glowing light until it faded.
Kuro appeared seated a few meters next to Mizu. He wore the same black ruler-general attire with the Dragon crest on his left breast. His grey eyes stared unnervingly at her, thus, making Miyako flinch.
"I guess Kujyou-kun hadn't told you a single world about it. Well, it's about time I do it as I must." Kuro stated as he begins. "You were told that Nyx, your patron, is the goddess of the moon and goddess of the night. That is the most common detail about her. What the ancient ancestors have coined centuries ago that they've kept hidden are her dividing powers  -- there are two kinds of entities sealed within her which you've inherited from."
"H...How can that be? Two entities at once?"
"Yes.. Miyako.. Nyx's true identity is being the harbinger or the forerunner of Light and Darkness. The Light I am pertaining to has significant differences with Hikari's. Nyx's force is fatally dangerous when dealing with the opposite."
"Light signifies purity, benevolence, peace and support," Mizu added. "...whereas the Dark entity shows aggression, vengeance, malevolence and death."
"But since you've acquired the core, we'll leave the rest to you, Miyako." Kuro finished his statement before crossing his arms under his head. "As for now, Kujyou-kun is on a duel with Tsukiro-kun; I'm quite impressed with the shrubby boy's tenacity.."


"Oi, why don't you use your daggers instead?" Ruko asked just as he was brandishing his naginata. Ryuu carelessly spun his own without dropping it.
"They're too poisonous.." he replied frankly when a dagger slipped onto his other hand with a flick. "It's venom-endowed, so I can't use it." 
Ruko then scowled. "That's ridiculous! You can simply extract it!"
"I can't do that."
The duel initiates as Ruko makes the first move by lunging towards his opponent. He roared when he jabs the blade of his naginata, aiming at Ryuu's rib cage. Ryuu leaped backward to evade, which surprised Ruko.
He's good at dodging... interesting. he thought as he changed his pace.
"Oi, Ryuu, gimme a counter attack just once!" he demanded.
All of a sudden, he gasped and hurriedly dodged a dark spear that swooped over his shoulder, stabbing a tree eventually.
Crap... he almost got me.
Amy sighed. "Ruko-kun, if only you have a stable presence of mind...."
"That was a hell spear he summoned," Tyson stated. "It can easily slip away from the naginata with one strong thrust. Luckily, Tsukiro-san managed to dodge it."
"I'd never thought Ryuu is a dangerous opponent.." Ash said. "Based from my observations, he and Yagumi-san have symmetrical agility and vitality."
This gave Ruko some pressure upon hearing those even from a short distance. He pulled himself together and lunged again. He exhibited his stealth movements whereas aiming to corner Ryuu. Pretty soon, he ran around like the fastest living carousel as Ryuu, standing on the center, watched him warily.
"Tsukiro, please put your showing off on a minimum." Zik reminded as he groaned. 
"Relax, Daddy-O, I know what I'm doing~!" Ruko responded haughtily as he smirked. He skidded his feet across the ground and rushed forward... when he suddenly halted.
Ryuu is nowhere to be found.
Mirouni gasped and stared wide-eyed. "Amazing..."
Tyson stands up from his chair in surprise. "How... How did he do that..?"
Ruko's tension grew when he looked either sideways, front and rear. In the back of his head, he earned the fear that his opponent might slit his throat or even impale him.
Far from his sight range, a seductive flash of a naginata caught his vision. Ryuu reappeared as his presence had caught him off guard.
"It's my turn now."
"Uh-oh," Ruko muttered under his breath. He quickly ducked before Ryuu sprinted over him while engulfed in extremely dark shades of power. Ruko rolled over to his side and got up.
"What was that for?!"
Ryuu landed on one knee up. "I knew you would say that." 
Then his own naginata dissolved into dark violet particles as Ruko got the thought of him finishing this fight... not until a pair of daggers slipped on Ryuu's hands with a flick.
"Wait! I thought he's not supposed to use those." Mirouni screamed in horror.
"I have given him my permission." Zik said, causing quivers and 'seizures' to flow onto them.
"You don't do that to me!" Ruko complained, pointing his forefinger at the Deity. "Since when did you learn how to contact with an unrelated mortal?!"
"I think I'll go check on Aika." Tyson proceeded and walked past the audience. He entered back into the house when his path is blocked by a long trail of toilet paper as if he's an uninvited guest for a reservation.
"What the--"
"You shall not pass!" Sora appeared wearing a pair of matrix sunglasses and an officer's cap. A toy whistle hung dangling around her neck as her hands are on her waist.
Tyson scowled. "Let me through.." Part of him wondered how this aquadite got in there all of a sudden..
Sora blew the whistle. "What's the password?"
Himeka's footsteps approached as she arrived into the scene. Upon seeing the toilet paper scattered all over the floor, she folded her arms on her chest and scowled.
"Sora, what is all this? And I thought you're supposed to be at the treehouse!"
The midget aquadite turned around and beamed. "I'll be your security guard~!"
"And what is Taisuke-kun doing under the table?"
"Huu~ Taisuke-chan wanted to play with the praying mantis that I've caught for him. Now he has a new friend!"
The shocked Himeka quickly looked under the table. Taisuke squished the green insect on his hands when he saw his mother. Himeka swatted his hands and pulled him out.
"That's not a toy, Taisuke-kun. Now go to the dining room and eat your breakfast. Your bacon and eggs are getting cold."
She tugged on his arm as Tyson sighed. He glanced at Sora and lifted the toilet paper, passing through it and making his way towards Aika's room. He entered inside to watch over the corpse of his consort lying on her deathbed.
He sat on a chair and glanced on Aika's pale face. His glance then went towards her pair of glasses sitting on the small table beside him and the small purple ribbon which she clips on the back of her dark hair.
Meanwhile, a translucent figure of a girl with long dark hair and a pair of cyan eyes stood next to the demon. Tyson doesn't seem to see her; technically, it is the soul of Aika.
It is somehow her temporary afterimage.
"So I'm dead..." she mumbled while watching her corporeal body. "...not a surprise.."
"Yes, and you'll be living as an afterimage momentarily before your revival." Saku says. "Last year, you've despised Tyson because of your unrelenting rivalry. As time have progressed, he slowly had grown fond of you."
Aika frowned when she glanced towards Tyson. She saw the great resentment deep in his heart because of his absence, thus, bringing her to the inevitable. She had also seen the bitter mourning of her first best friend, Amy, because of it.
She began to wonder.
Am I really... that loved?
"Now that you are Tyson's about-to-be legitimate partner, you are about to undergo the next step. But in that age, we cannot permit you just yet."
"I'm a student." the girl spoke. "I'm not ready for those stuff. I won't wait for it either... because there is always the, not necessarily perfect, right opportunity."
"That's very nice to hear from you, Aika-chan. To change the subject, they have found the pathogen, or simply the agent that poisoned you created by Yagumi's hex."
Aika's eyebrows narrowed. "Huh? You mean..."
"Your father did a rough examination, though. In the meantime, you will have to watch. The ritual will begin shortly."


Beldum Institute welcomed the new freshmen and transferred students for the upcoming academic year. Koide went alone to fill up a registration form and file as assessment. As she was filing up her form, her eyes went towards the three figures standing with their backs turned. She quickly recognized the trio as they read the papers pinned on the bulletin boards. They were the three rebellious fallen angels in rivalry with their own race and ruler. It can be presumed that they are willing to enter this school to start anew and live as normal human beings.
"Ah, Koide-san!"
Solaris spotted her when the mage excitedly went towards her.
"Oh... Aris," Koide said.
Solaris beamed. "I'm so happy to see you again! I was worried about you... how did you get out of that white abyss?"
Koide opened her mouth when she caught Hikaru and Altaria approaching.
"It's a long story, Aris..." she simply replied as she went back to writing on her form. "I'm enrolling for second year. I don't wanna fall into a hassle."
"Ohh~ I see," Solaris nods as she glanced at her elder sister. "Onee-chan, shall we stop over at Mizu-san's place? I wanna see that cute little alien, Rozum-chan~"
Altaria shrugged at Hikaru and replied. "Well.... okay."
The tri left Koide later as they exited the lobby. Altaria sighed.
"Hikaru, now that Zarafyn is dead, who will take her stead? I cannot do that..."
"We'll just see and find out..." Hikaru replied. "Ever since Ryuu-san and I had settled on a treaty, I've thought that he was giving me enigmatic ideas.. but now I'm starting to understand his point.."
"I...I was wrong all along. Ryuu Kujyou-sama is different... and my opinions towards him have changed drastically in spite of the things we've expected him to be. We have to know him better!"
"And his father as well," Hikaru added her sentence. "For some reasons, he has caught our interests as well. Goliath had told that he was supposed to be the original ruler."
"Right. But due to justifying reasons, he wanted to live a normal life as a father and husband... like a normal human being like we are aiming to be.."
"Onee-chan, onee-chan!"
Solaris called for their attention. She somehow found the city's amusement park as she waved at them excitedly.
"C'mon, we should at least enjoy ourselves for a while. There're tons of popcorn and cotton candy~!"


The Deity Guardians' spirits appeared -- apparently, the only ones who are absent amongst them are Cain and Phoenix. 
"It looks like they're in the middle of a showdown." Micah contemplated when she glanced at Ruko. "As always, Tsukiro-kun exerts too much."
"...and I'm afraid I agree with you." Zik replied with traces of displeasure. "He never changed at all."
"When will you two ever get along..?" Hikari asked sadly. 
"In the meantime, Yukira-kun and Len-kun are not present," Travix stated. "The meeting won't be held here. I've found a perfect place." He turned his glance on Saku as the Deity of justice stood a short distance from them with Aika's afterimage.
"Saku, has Kujyou-chan prepared herself?"
Saku replied with a nod. "She has. And she has to be revived as soon as possible."
"Very well.. we'll wait a little more."
Meanwhile, Ichirou and Himeka entered the room where Tyson is. Ichirou nodded at him.
"May we ask for your cooperation, Tyson?"
The saffron-eyed demon nodded reluctantly as he stood up from his chair. He stared by the window to peek through. "Ryuu should be here by now.."
Ichirou then closed his eyes as he spoke. "Ryuu, I'm afraid you have to cancel the duel."
It is presumed that Ryuu must have heard it... due to the fact that they share the demon blood. In a few minutes, Ryuu entered the room empty-handed as if nothing happened.
As for the others, Ryuu ordered them to stick to the Guardian path lessons instead. This way, Ash's abilities can be enhanced especially as well as the others.
The doors and windows are sealed shut. Sora and Taisuke stayed in a separate room. Ichirou, Himeka, Ryuu and Tyson channeled their powers. Aika's afterimage approached as she watched her family and her consort channel on their power to kill the pathogen. 
"Ichirou had figured out that the pathogen cannot be extracted through the use of medical assets. It was Yagumi's fatal hex that created it... and therefore the presence of Dark force will destroy it albeit it has high risks." Saku narrated to give Aika some useful information. The four altogether chanted the latter incantations. Ryuu felt the tension rising into him and felt the pathogen wriggling and squirming. Tyson fought his fear... knowing that the poison will destroy Aika's entrails.
By the time they have reached the crucial part, Tyson took the next part as his. He chanted the spell carefully and slowly. The next turn is passed to Ryuu... as the spell for excruciating will be his role. The glow of his crimson eyes darkened.
While he chanted the torture spell, Himeka supported it with her charm and at the same time shielding Aika's entrails from the relentless pathogen. Ryuu then gave it his all just as he is reaching the end, and altogether they chanted it subsequently. 
The pathogen wriggled violently. Ryuu's spell for tormenting had enfeebled it until it is dispatched.
Upon succeeding, Aika's limp body twitched when it calmed. Tyson hoped that the hex's pathogen will be gone by now.
"We'll give her a few minutes to rest before the revival," Ichirou announced. "Ryuu, tell that young lady to come here at once. Do what you have to do."

"What's with the sudden cancellation?" Ruko complained as he and the rest of the crew stopped by Kaito's ice cream shop. Ash reserved a seat for everyone on the counter.
"Oh, this is a surprise."
Kaito encountered them as a grin spread across his face upon seeing Ruko.
"Oi, Tsukiro-kun~ what makes you guys here?"
"We're dying for some ice cream. Serve us your yummiest treats!" Ruko replied. "And ooh, give Amy-chan the banana split, her favorite~!"
Amy concealed a blush. "...Alright, I'll go with that."
Kaito gave a smug. "How are you two lovebirds doing in your commitment?"
Mirouni gasped in shock. "You two are what?"
Ruko's face flushed while scratching his head. "It's a bit hard to explain..."
"How naive!!" Kaito suddenly punched his cheek as Ruko growled while touching the injured spot.
"What was that for?!?"
The demigod's gaze darkened as he exhibited a posture showing sort-of superiority in character.
"A man should not conceal his relationship with his woman!" he raised his voice. "Yet you waver and cower!"
"The story's too embarrassing!!"
Ash sighed as he gave Kaito their orders. 
"So, how's Lex doing?" Amy asked.
The demigod stayed silent for a couple of minutes while preparing their orders. "Well.... I haven't heard a thing from and about him ever since we're all returned to Earth. I guess he's feeling dizzy right now."
Ruko toyed with his fingers and whistled when he asked:
"...who is Musume?"
Kaito froze upon hearing the name as Ruko's question quickly backfired. He fell silent.
"Umm... sorry. Didn't mean to freak you out..."
The demigod smiled sheepishly. "Nah, I'm cool. I've suddenly thought of someone else, I guess."
Ruko simply shrugged that reply. He couldn't understand the meaning behind that dream he had not a long time ago...


Meanwhile, deep into the dark and desolated forest, a vulnerable mammal is seen running. She is escaping from the clutches of her pursuers. But in this case, the animal is seemingly running away... running away forever. It then grew tired as it paused and panted. Then its body begins to take form. Its paws transformed into hands and feet. Its fur soon faded into human skin and its purple locks grew longer. Its pair of strangely long ears shortened until on the mammal's place a little girl stood there. She acquired a pair of short fox-like ears and a long fluffy tail.
The girl's naked glory hid in the darkness as she looked over her shoulder.
"I made it..."
She knew to herself that she is free.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ch. 1

"Oi, get up!!"
Ash groaned on his sleep when he turned. Mirouni slammed the door open as she placed her hands on her waist. Seeing her brother still asleep, she pouted and suddenly had an idea.
A loud shrilling cry -- a howler -- was heard in the background as the pictures shook, sending the birds flying  out of their branches and the cats scampering away. Ash's figure went disarray as he went into shivers. He eyed Mirouni and threw off his pillow.
"What the heck was that for?!"
"I presume you know what today is." Mirouni folded her arms on her chest and gave him a mother-like glare.
She sighed loudly. "I've packed your things already! Get dressed!"
Ash rolled his eyes and lazily hopped out of his bed. He stepped inside the bathroom, took his pajamas off and soaked himself into the shower.
"Moving, huh? That would be great..."

Lex arrived in the dormitory and gently opened the door. He sighed as he was exhausted from another long day from school.
"It's good to be back..." he muttered. Lex went towards the small couch where he meets his friend eyeing him with tearful eyes.
The bioweapon smiled, approached and put his arms around the little girl. She whimpered and grabbed his shirt.
"W...Where have you been...?"
"I went to school, Musume." Lex replied as she put the little girl on his lap. Musume whimpered and rested her head on his chest.
"I won't leave you again, Musume. I'll take you with me."
Musume cooed. "Hauu... I want some crepe..."
"I'll take you out today~"
The girl's sapphire eyes glistened in awe as her frown was replaced by a beam.
"Yah. That's how I'll make it up to you~"
Musume's fox ears twitched slightly to signify her happiness as well as her tail wagging briskly.
"Unfortunately, Lexi-kun is tired~" Lex teased, making Musume pout and punch him playfully.
"I hate youuu!!!!"
Lex hugged her. "I'm just kidding, Musume~ hihihi~!"

"Ne, ne, Ruko-kun, are you done?"
"Just a sec..."
Mirouni waited outside the dressing room. Somehow, she and Ruko happened to meet along the way as they stopped by a fashion closet. For some reasons, Mirouni wanted him to wear something new for his sake.
"Seriously, do you really want to buy this for me?" Ruko asked.
"Mouu, you have to start anew!" Mirouni replied. "Now hurry up before Ash snaps on me."
"Ei, what's taking him so long?" Ash came and made his entrance.
"Sorry, Ash. Ruko-kun somehow fell in love with the new collared shirt I've chosen for him." Mirouni replied as she placed her leg over the other. "Luckily, we've ran on to him before Amy-chan would."
"Well.... I suppose.." Ash's voice went lower as he secretly looked away. "It's surprising that our new home will be two blocks away from the Kujyou estate.."
Mirouni stared at her brother wide-eyed. "Really?? We get to hang out with Ryuu-kun and Aika-chan??"
Ash suddenly felt tensed. "I-I guess so.."
The girl's expression changed as she crooked her brows. "Eh? What's with you today?"
"Nothing..." he replied as he changed the subject. "Let's go! Mom's waiting for us."


"Ohh, your new home, eh? Sweet!" Ruko complimented when Ash and Mirouni made it to their new estate. They unloaded the van from boxes containing their stuff. Ruko helped them.
"Make sure the game consoles are properly placed." Their mother told them while unloading the back compartment. This surprised Ruko as he is given some adrenaline.
"What games do you have?"
"Plenty," Ash replied when he entered into their new living room. "Ryuu has influenced me into these stuff since middle school."
Ruko's gaze darkened as he is suddenly dressed in a grayscale detective.
"Ryuu Kujyou... interesting."
"That's weird. Aika-chan's not answering her phone." Mirouni redialed her phone and placed the receiver on her ear as it rang. "Ne, Ruko-kun, try calling Ryuu-kun." When she saw Ash, he is suddenly returning to his sulky state. "Ash, what's wrong? You seem distracted."
Ash sighed. "Aika's not answering her phone because it ran out of batteries.."
The girl pouted. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"
"Yoh, Ryuu~!" Ruko grinned as he began talking to Ryuu on his phone. "How are you doin'?"
Ash sighed in relief. "That was close..."
"Say, Ash and Mirouni have just moved recently, and guess what? They're just two blocks away from your house!"
"How about we go to their place?" Mirouni suggested as she continued unpacking the things. Ash shrugged and finished their work as well. 

"Aaaand... we're done!"
Mirouni looked at the final outlook of her new room. Her character figurines were placed neatly inside the shelves with sliding doors made of glass. Her dresses and costumes were neatly hung inside her wardrobe and her make-up kit and other products are placed on her wide dresser. She grinned and excitedly ran out of her room, knocking on Ash's room.
"Oi, hurry up!"
"I'm right here!"
Mirouni looked over her shoulder and spotted Ash sitting on the couch, distracting himself with a PS2 game. Somehow, he and Ruko are in the middle of a 2D fighting game.
"Ne, Ash, why were you acting strange all of a sudden?" Ruko suddenly asked as Ash's mood changed drastically.
"It's... one of us has fallen..." 
Mirouni and Ruko eyed him in shock. Then Mirouni realized the truth behind..
"Was that the reason why you've sent us back?"
"Yeah..." Ash replied when he put his game controller beside him. 
"So Aika-chan wasn't answering her phone because she...."
Ruko put his controller down as he stood up. "Well, then, there's no time to lose! Let's go visit them." he ordered. "Come to think of it, we haven't seen Ryuu and that meganekko for quite a long time!"
Mirouni rolled her eyes and shook her head. "We'll be visitors of a home funeral. Ash, you should have told us sooner."
"In fact, Amy was the first to receive the news.." Ash said. "But Aika won't be buried. There'll be a long process of extraction before reviving her."
Ruko put his finger on his chin. "So Aika was killed, huh? Whoever killed her shall be crushed!" He pounded his palm with his knuckles. "We're gonna avenge for Aika-san!!"
After putting the game console back to the small cupboard, the three of them set off to observe their new neighborhood. After taking several walks, they stopped by the Kujyou estate.
"We're here!" Mirouni said gleefully. "Ooh, this is my first time going to their place."
"I wanna see Ryuu's games!" Ruko shouted giddily.
"...Eh..? Ruko-kun..?"
They jerked behind them and saw Amy a few steps towards them. The girl's long pink hair is tied into a pair of twirled pigtails. 
"Wow, Amy-chan~" Mirouni greeted her friend cheerfully. "You're coming over, too?"
"Yeah..." Amy nodded as she looked down to her shopping bag containing fruits and snacks. "It's been a while since Aika-chan caught a fever."
"You don't have to lie, Amy..." Ruko suddenly stated, causing her to flinch. 
"W...What are you talking about?"
"I've told them already," Ash admitted. "It's for the best.." He turned his head and flinched as a large bead of sweat appeared on his head. Ryuu was listening to them all along. 
He sat on a small garden bench where he and Tyson are engaging into a private conversation.
"I-I didn't know you were there." Ash said awkwardly.
Just then, Ruko lunged towards Ryuu and gave him a laser-eyed glare.
"Ryuu..... tell me about yourself....."
"Ain't nobody got time for that.." Ryuu slammed his hand on Ruko's face and shoved him away. This gave Ruko a challenge.
"Alright, I'll challenge you for a duel!"
"Ruko, this isn't the time to mess around!" Amy scolded him. But when she observed Ryuu's face, it suddenly twisted into a sadistic and exultant smirk.
"How interesting...I accept your challenge."
"That escalated quickly..." Mirouni commented with a small bead of sweat on her head. 
"Oh.. Tyson-kun slept over?" Amy asked.
"Yes.." Tyson replied. "...I decided to sleep in her room where she is."
"I see.. so, where's Sora-chan?"
"She's with Mizu in the treehouse. She'll be staying here as a normal human being for good.."
"While you pay 'imouto' a visit, I'll be dealing with this derp over here." Ryuu's emerald glance went towards Ruko, who paid him back with a child-like pout.
"Mouu, you better watch that talk!"
"You better not mess with him, Tsukiro-kun," Himeka came towards them as she greeted them. "It seems that we'll be having a few guests today~"
"That kid's putting too much pressure onto himself lately.." Zik commented as he sighed. "Kuro-kun... I have a bad feeling that your heir might take this seriously."
"Apparently not," Kuro shook his head in reply. "If Tsukiro misbehaves, it will be your liability."
"Ryuu-kun, make sure your daggers are not poisoned." Himeka warned her son as Ryuu nodded in reply.
"Daggers are too dangerous. I'll stick with this instead." he brandished his naginata which materialized from dark particles, leaving behind dark purple dust dancing around his hand wielding it. Ruko showed an impressed smirk.
"Naginata, huh? I'll be using mine as well."


"What did you put in here this time?" Nataliya asked when she observed today's dish. She and the Seven Demons are gathered around a poker table where Beezlebub is serving his favorite course dishes.
"Turkey and veggies, dear~" the Demon replied as he added. "Blood will be our beverage. I won't mind if you'll be fussing for water instead."
"He's gonna put saliva instead!" Leviathan cackled. "Watch out, Nataliya-chi, you might get the HIV~!"
Nataliya rolled her eyes when the Demons laughed in unison. Beezlebub finished his serving as they started eating. 
"Ne, ne, Luci-nii, what are you up to this time?" Asmodeus asked his brother who is suddenly sulking on his food. The Demon of pride grimaced in reply.
"That's none of your business.."
"Ohh, what is this?" Satan raised his voice and smirked. "My dear brother is scheming for another useless action to motivate himself!"
"You better not put us into trouble again..." Nataliya hissed.
"Anyways, how goo were you during your good time with Gumi-chan?" Leviathan asked Asmodeus the Demon of lust sighed softly.
"I'd never thought she is that persistent. But I had a good time, indeed. I think I'll give up on Ichinose-chan since she fancies someone else."
"Whoa... that's very unlike you." Mammon commented. "You're interested in Yagumi all of a sudden?"
"She's trying to give me conditions. But I don't trust her at all. All she ever wanted is to be free. So today will be the third round."
"Ohh no..." Leviathan raised her voice. "By this time, your third unprotected round.."
Nataliya sighed in relief. It's a good thing she had kept the Nyx domain locked. Satan placed his feet on the table and snorted.
"To get back to my goody-goody rival, Luci-kun has guts~"
The Demons glanced at Lucifer, who fumed in disgust and lost his appetite. 
"Luci-nii's amusing me, hahahahaha!!!" Leviathan laughed merrily when he placed his arm around Lucifer's shoulder. "So, what is it this time?"
Lucifer swatted his arm away. "Shut up. I don't have all day."
"Luci-nii's being a selfish baby~" Mammon teased in a singsong tone.
"In that case, you won't be getting any dessert." Beezlebub changed his mind before giving Lucifer a saucer of chocolate pudding, pissing him off as well. Lucifer banged his hands on the table and stood up from his chair. His red eyes are filled with an unquestionable grimace.
"Why do you demand so much?! Do I have to tell you everything?!" he growled angrily as he bored a disgusting glance on Satan. "I won't be dealing with you any longer."
"Lucifer, sit down!" Nataliya scolded him. "No yelling at the table, please!"
The Demon of pride grimaced as he slumped back on his chair. Belphegor yawned and played with his food.
"This happens every day, you know. Every day Luci-nii flips out when things are not going according to his favor..."
"SHUT UP!!" Lucifer growled once more. Before he could rant some more, Goliath entered into their banquet as the whole dining room was silenced upon his presence.
"How are you enjoying your fiesta?"
Satan downed his glass of blood as he gulped it noisily. "Not much, your Majesty. Luci-kun decided to go banana during our leisure."
The ruler sighed. "I don't care what the reason is. I'm more concerned in terms of our prisoner's charades."
"Ahh... Gumi-chan, I see. Asmodeus locked her up really tight. Kujyou-sama has breached her powers to turn her into an ordinary human being."
"Just as what I've told Ichirou to do... great." Goliath slowly nodded. "However, she might had contact with her vessels to use them as her vassals to set her free..."